YEASTROL – Yeastrol is a homeopathic product that works great for both Male and Female Yeast Infections.
Experts in homeopathic treatments have combined 12 ingredients to combat not just the itching but also diverse symptoms of yeast infection from the inside out!
Yeastrol gets into your system instantly, with only two simple sprays under the tongue, 3x a day. The yeast infections result from an overgrowth of yeast in the body. It starts in the intestines, where the Candida organism exists usually in small amounts, but it can repeatedly spread to other sides in the body.
Left unchecked, yeast can metamorphose to its fungal form and spread quickly. The ingredients in Yeastrol yeast infection treatment were chosen for their time-tested ability to combat diverse thrush symptoms that affect both men and women who experience this yeast infection.
As much as women can develop a vaginal yeast infection when new type of yeast is introduced to her system or vagina, unprotected sex with a woman who has active yeast infection can also attract penile yeast infection in men.
Thrush Symptoms Treated By Yeastrol
Mouth Ulcers
Nervous anxiety
Skin rashes and eczema
Urgent need to urinate
Abdomina and Bloating
Digestion problems
Genital itching and rash
Vaginal and penile discharge
Burning urination
Low energy and weakness
The Yeastrol Yeast Infection and Candidiasis Treatment costs only $19.89 a pack on the biggest package with 90 Days money back guarantee.
1 Month Package = $29.85
2 Months Package = $54.75
4 Months Package (Buy 3 + 1 Free) = $89.62
6 Months Package (Buy 4 + 2 Free) = $119.51