One question that most people have to ask themselves at one point in their lives is, “How do I get rid of acne?” There are so many natural acne cure products on the market that the task can be quite challenging and time consuming.
Eventually, you may need to visit a dermatologist who is best equipped to diagnose and treat your acne, but in the meantime, there are many natural remedies you can try at home in an attempt to get rid of acne.
How Does Acne Work
First it is important to understand how acne works, the most commonly diagnosed skin condition. Four out of five people between the ages of 12 and 25 have acne, which makes this skin condition very hard to treat.
Every skin type is different and reacts differently to medication and treatment. Acne is formed within the pores of the skin. First, the skin creates an overload of oil and when the pore repairs itself by shedding dead skin cells, they become enlarged and blocked.
Pores that are blocked cause bacteria to multiply rapidly, causing swelling and inflammation. Although no one knows exactly what causes acne, there are some reasons that doctors believe cause the skin condition: hormones, heredity, medication, makeup, pollution and humidity.
Acne Solutions
After you fully understand how acne works, you can begin to find a solution to clear it up. It is important to never pop or squeeze pimples because this can lead to a spreading of bacteria, which will cause even more outbreaks and acne.
When battling the skin condition at home, you will need to be mindful of the things you do to your skin. First, you will need to make sure and clean your face at least twice daily. You will need to clean for at least one minute, which is the minimum time required to kill bacteria that causes pimples and acne.
Remember that acne doesn’t always show up just on the face. Other acne prone areas should be cleaned twice daily as well. You will also want to remove any makeup that you wear before going to bed each night. Makeup can add extra oil to your face and therefore cause breakouts and pimples.
When searching for natural acne treatment products it is important to look at the ingredient list and be sure that you choose a product that provides a combination of the following ingredients:
Salicylic acid
- Encourages new skin growth
- Gets rid of dead skin cells
- Reduces oil on your skin
Benzoyal peroxide
- Dissolves grime
- Cleans out clogged pores
Azelaic Acid
- Antibacterial
- Helps reduce redness and inflammation
It is also a good idea to use some form of spot treatment for sudden breakouts and pimples. You can purchase one at the local drugstore, but there are also ways to make a simple one at home by using everyday household products such as baking soda, aspirin, and toothpaste. These products will help dry up spots and blemishes quickly and easily.
You may also want to try a face mask. Like spot treatments, there are options available to buy and options to make at home. You can use different combinations of ingredients such as olive oil, cucumbers, oatmeal, honey and egg whites. There are many other natural remedies that you can try and it may take some experimentation for you to find the right one for you.
You should also add essential oils to your active pimples. Some options that are thought to have antibacterial properties are lavender, rosemary, thyme and sandalwood. Exfoliating by using mild products with scrubbing capability is also a popular natural method of acne control. Some options for at home natural remedies are:
Making a paste of baking soda and water
Mix oatmeal and honey
Mix coffee grains into your normal face cleanser
Another popular natural product is tea tree oil. It has an antibacterial agent that can clear clogged pores.
You should avoid using too much, though, because it has the potential to burn your skin, leaving it red and irritated. After cleansing, exfoliating, or applying a mask, it is a good idea to use a toner. These will help your pores to tighten, making it harder for dirt and oil to become trapped inside causing acne.
Moisturizers are also extremely important. Be sure to choose an option without a lot of added oil and fragrance. It may be hard to believe that a moisturizer may help ease acne, but in reality, if your skin is dry, it will create more oils that will attempt to balance out the dryness.
Preventing Acne
Lifestyle changes may also be beneficial when fighting acne. First and foremost, you should refrain from touching your face. This can introduce bacteria to your skin and cause existing bacteria to spread more easily. In order to rid your skin of unwanted oils and bacteria produced by your hair, you should shower regularly.
Eating healthy can also be a great way to fight acne. This will help your body build natural vitamins and nutrients that will make you healthier as a whole. When your body is healthy, so is your skin. Avoid junk food and foods that are overloaded with sugar.
Getting plenty of rest and drinking lots of water will help you to remain hydrated and your skin fresh and relaxed. As your body relaxes it will be able to detoxify and water will help flush the toxins from your body in a healthy natural manner.
For best results, be sure to wash any fabrics that constantly come in contact with your skin once a week. This could be blankets, pillowcases and pajamas. Washing these items regularly will help stop the transfer of oil and bacteria from the fabric to your face and keep you healthier.
There are many options available for natural acne treatment products and you will need to experiment to find the best option. You may need to seek professional help to find the best method of getting rid of acne. Remember to keep your face clean and be consistent with your face care regimen.