When it comes to penis enlargers, regardless if they are drugs or devices, it is very important that both science and medicine back them up.
That would assure users of the product’s effectiveness and safety, which are the two most important points to consider when buying a penis enlargement extender.
The SizeGenetics penis enlargement device is a natural male enhancement system that uses the traction method to add penile size and length. The system is considered as a medical type 1 device, which means it has passed the strict evaluation of both science and medicine to make it work.
What is the traction method?
The traction method is a very popular treatment therapy used in orthopedics. A traction refers to a set of devices or mechanism normally used to straighten broken bones or to relieve the spine and the skeletal system of pressure. Although not exactly the same thing, a similar concept is used to initiate the growth of the penis.
Such a method may be referred to as penile traction. A special device will be fitted over the penis to support it from the base to the head. The device is supposed to be worn for hours, preferably for a minimum of 2 hours up to a maximum of 8 hours, for best results.
The continual traction effect as caused by the device will create very small tears in the penile muscles. Those tears will then be repaired by the body through cell division.
As the cells divide, a new layer of muscles is added. That is how the penis gets longer and bigger in time.
The SizeGenetics penis enlargement device is considered as one of the best products of its type in the market today. It is a natural male enhancement system that uses the body’s own resources and processes to increase penile size.
In an evaluation conducted by the British Ass’n of Urological Surgeons, it was discovered that the traction method is the most effective technique in increasing penis length.
SizeGenetics Medical Testing
Before being classified a Type 1 Medical Device, the SizeGenetics penis enlargers passed through a series of tests and clinical studies. These tests were done in a highly supervised clinical setting and were conducted by surgeons and qualified doctors.
All of the necessary tests were performed to ensure that users will be getting only a high quality, effective penis enlargement extender.
However, laboratory testing is expensive. That is the reason why not all health products, supplements, or even drugs has one. SizeGenetics chose to invest on such a test in order to give users not just a working device, but also the most comfortable and safest one to use.
Note that untested and unregulated penis enlargers may actually be hazardous to one’s health, especially when not used properly. Those devices may disfigure the penis instead of increasing its size or correcting its curvature.
The Actual SizeGenetics Test Results
In the clinical study conducted in Spain and presented at the First Int’l Interdisciplinary Symposium on Genitourinary Reconstructive Surgery, 18 patients were tested with SizeGenetics. All patients experience normal erectile capacity and has no history of penile surgery.
None of them suffers from any known chronic diseases either. Initially, a traction force of 900g to 1000g for the first two weeks was applied. After which, the force was increased to 1000g to 1200g. The test took 24 weeks, with the reporting, checking, and follow-up performed every two weeks.
The test revealed that the patients who wore the device for a total of 1,100 hours throughout the covered period at a traction force of 1200g observed an average penis length improvement of 2.8 cm or 1.1 inches. Overall, the penile size increase was slated at 30%.
The patients also exhibited an average penile size improvement of about 1.9 mm per week. It was also noted that none of the patients suffered from complications or medical indications after using the device.
Backed Up By Medical Doctors
Doctors were convinced with the effectiveness, features, and the safety measures integrated in the SizeGenetics penis enlargement device.
The following medical experts lent their name and expertise to this product in order to attest its performance.
Dr. John Ege Siana, MD – a medical doctor from the University of Copenhagen. He is a member of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and a founding member of the Int’l Ass’n of Male Sexual Surgery
Dr. Finn Worm Knudsen, M.D. – A practicing plastic surgeon who is also a member of the Swedish Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, The Swedish & Danish Medical Ass’n, Danish Society for Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery, and American Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery
Dr. Michael A. Carter, Psy.D.RCP – a doctor of clinical psychology with both a Master and a Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology. He is also the founder of the Institute of Relationship.
The SizeGenetics Guarantee
All the medical backings and the doctor’s recommendations are worth nothing if they are not put to practical use. For that, the SizeGenetics penis enlargement device is offered with a 6-month guarantee.
This shows how committed its manufacturers are in providing top-quality natural male enhancement product that really works.
Users are allowed to return SizeGenetics within six months from their date of purchase if ever they fail to see or experience any improvement from using the product. Upon returning, their purchase will be refunded accordingly.
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