ULTRA HAIR AWAY – Ultra Hair Away™ is for men and women who are embarrassed by excessive hair growth.
It is a revolutionary hair-growth inhibitor designed to help BOTH sexes break away from the cost and pain of such hair removal methods as waxing, electrolysis, sugaring, laser removal, and more.
It can be applied by simply spraying the clear, topical solution onto the site of choice and massaging in. Apply twice daily for the first week, then reduce to once a day for a minimum of 2 weeks. Stop when desired results are achieved!
You control where and how much hair you’ll be removing with the Ultra Hair Away Body Hair Removal Serum. It is even suitable for small localized areas like upper lips as well as larger regions like your back, legs, and bikini area.
Indeed, Ultra Hair Away™ is very much effective, it has been enthusiastically endorsed by champion bodybuilder, Jay Cutler, winner of championships that include the Arnold Schwarzenneger Classic Championship and Mr. Olympia Runner Up.
Comes in a spray bottle containing 120 ml of topical solution and also with 67 days moneback guarantee.
Ultra Hair Away™ Body Hair Removal Cream Benefits
Excellent dispersibility
Safely use on any part of your body
Low aroma profile
Insensitive to temperature changes
No coloring agents
Skin moisturizing
Fast drying
Clinically proven
All-natural ingredients
Money-back guarantee

By using these enzymes, Ultra Hair Away works with the hair root and keeps them from producing new hair cells. Eventually, after around 6 to 10 weeks, new hair will begin to stop growing.
Ultra Hair Away also provides a 60 day money back guarantee, which will give you the perfect amount of time to learn how this product will work for you. You can return the product if you find that it is not working out for you.
It is important to remember that this product does not work instantaneously. Especially for thicker, more coarse hair it may take several weeks before you begin seeing results from this product.
Ultra Hair Away calls itself a hair inhibiter. Unlike traditional waxing and shaving, which will only remove hair for a short period of time, Ultra Hair Away will actually encourage hair to stop growing. This product arrives as a spray and is easily absorbed into the skin. You can even use this product with other cosmetic items.
Ultra Hair Away works slowly to remove hair permanently by working with the body’s natural balding process.
Ultra Hair Away works naturally with the body, which makes for a healthier experience, but also one that takes a bit of extra time.
It’s completely natural and works by mimicking the process that causes baldness. What’s more, there are no side effects.
The Ultra Hair Away™ treatment simply cornifies the sides of the papilla disallowing cells to pass through the dermal papilla causing slower, and eventually, stopped hair growth.
The Cost
The Ultra Hair Away™ Body Hair Removal Spray is priced only $34.98 per box(Jar) on the biggest package with 67 Days money-back guarantee.
1 Month Package = $49.95
2 Months Package = $79.90
3 Months Package = $109.85
4 Months Package = $139.80
5 Months Package + (2 FREE Bonus Gifts) = $174.80
6 Months Package + (2 FREE Bonus Gifts) = $209.80
7 Months Package + (2 FREE Bonus Gifts) = $244.80
8 Months Package + (2 FREE Bonus Gifts) = $279.80
9 Months Package + (2 FREE Bonus Gifts) = $314.80
10 Months Package+ (2 FREE Bonus Gifts) = $349.80